giving-tuesday-logoI remember back in year 2009, when I was still on the streets with other street children, we are excited every –ber months. This is the season of giving. People are happy to give food, money and even gifts. If you live near Cultural Center of the Philippines, Star City, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Manila Harbor and nearby establishments and parks, you will know that this place is where most family go to unwind and relax. It is also our busiest months of the year, we work hard until sunrise. We beg for money, for food and even ask strangers to buy us gifts. We even work as parking attendant for we know people will be very generous in giving tips.

I was just browsing the internet and some social media accounts when I saw this hashtag #GivingTuesday. I’ll be honest, this is my first time seeing this hashtag. I wonder when this hashtag started, is this really a day for giving? Or another marketing strategy for business owners?

I work as Digital Marketing Specialist now. I work on websites, graphics, video and search engine social media. So when I first saw this, I thought, this is another marketing idea that I needed to add on the calendar to gain traffic for my clients. Another design task that we can work on and of course get paid — it’s plain business.

So I looked and asked our friendly Google Search and here’s what I found.

It says on their website, Giving Tuesday (I love their logo by the way) is a “Global Day of Giving.”

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration.

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.

My first reaction was, “I see.” After spending on Black Friday, small business day, and Cyber Monday, people feel the urge to give and help others. Don’t get me wrong, I love deals as well. In fact, I spent some to upgrade my workstations.

So I said, this is nice – it raises awareness about giving to the less fortunate and even bless the neighbor. I looked back and thought about the social workers, the organizations and individuals who helped the kids on the streets, who are now being known, having a special day celebrating their acts and generosity.

I know there are tons of us wanting to help, wanting to donate, wanting to be part of this program but sometimes, we don’t know where to start or what to do.

We want to help the kid that we saw on the street begging but we think, nah, the parents should not be allowing that kid on the street. We also think, If I give money they will just spend it to some sort of solvent or worst, to drugs. Some of us thinks that maybe they are part of a syndicate that are taking advantage of the season knowing that people are going to give money since it’s Christmas time. I won’t blame you for thinking all of this. I myself is thinking the same however, whenever I have a chance, sometimes together with my friends, we bring them to a good place to eat. At least we know that the money goes directly to the food that they are about to eat.

I remember one late evening, I’m with my friends and we saw these children begging for food. We ordered some food for them so they can eat with us. One kid even asked if he can save some for his siblings at home. It broke our hearts knowing that he is not the only one starving but also his siblings waiting at home for any leftovers that he or the people would have.

Yeah! They are annoying–’we’ are annoying. You know why? Because we rarely have the delicious food you are eating every night. Every time you went out on a luxurious eat-all-you-can restaurant. A leftover food means heaven for us.

So, I know it bothers us, why the government is not doing something about these kids on the street.  I beg your pardon, there are institutions that are doing their best to help these less fortunate children, there are individuals who are making a little effort to have these kids experience a decent meal. There are communities that are helping them be connected to organizations that will provide them good future.

Me and my sisters are products of an individual who let us experience a decent meal, have a toy that is not coming from the floating garbage of manila bay. An individual that is willing to stay under the tree and teach us values and encourages us to dream again. An individual that connected us to an organization that gave us home, education and a good future. An organization that introduced us to the Father that we never thought existed. A Father to the fatherless – Jesus.

If you are hesitant to help the kid you saw on the street behind the window of your car, I won’t blame you but I would encourage you to say a prayer that can make a difference to that child. I assure you that the prayer you just made won’t go for nothing. God hears our prayer and it means a lot to Him. He even know it before you do. He is just waiting for someone to be willing and ready to help Him help that kid.

Giving should not only be on Tuesday. It should be an everyday act. Not only in goods but also in prayers.

Say a prayer today and without you knowing, someone will appreciate that prayer you just said.

Happy #GivingTuesday!

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