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I wouldn’t be here where I am at right now if not because of the passion of the social worker who helped me get out of the streets! Right now I feel that I am blessed! Not in abundance but with content now because my family have a decent shelter, my sisters are studying, my niece is healthy and we are building again our family

My mother needed to make a decision to leave our abode in Marikina or else we will starve to death.  I remember the hardships my mother has to go through to leave Marikina so she can help out our grandmother who is a street vendor in the area of the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) in Pasay

As a single parent, my mother raised her 5 children.  She worked as a labandera, colloquial for laundrywoman, and has to service a minimum of two or more houses to barely survive.  The money she earned was just enough to put food on the table to fill our growling little stomach.  I thank God that we can now afford to have decent meals now.

We moved so she can assist our grandmother to sell food in the streets of Manila.  It’s not that lucrative either but at least, we don’t have to worry of what we will eat for the whole day

It is not enough! My mother and grandmother’s effort was just not enough to keep us away from the streets.  Other than the fact that we were barely living off from their food stalls, it was the influence of other kids that lured us to be on the streets.  It was “work” at night for us to ask for spare change but in the eyes of a child, it was fun, worry free and simply playtime for us because I am with my friends..

I have a dream of having a better life! And I want to achieve my dreams and I know I cannot attain them if I continue living on the streets! I have lots of fond memories as a street kid but there are those that I wish never happened.  I did not know yet what I wanted to be at that time until a street social worker showed me the importance of education.  They inspired us and ignited our exhausted hearts to dream and believe that we can reach it!

At the age of 9 I already know that I needed to study.  I know I needed to earn good living to help myself and family.  I know the feeling of having no food to eat until the end of the day and I am simply tired of it.

Thank God the street social worker never gave up on us, never got tired of instilling values in us and constantly encouraging us to have a dream and to get out of the streets. He talked us to admitting ourselves to a home that can provide food for us three times a day, a comfortable bed and a house that is safe from danger.  My initial reaction was that it was the first step in realizing my dream, and that is to help my family get out of poverty! It was a typical positive outlook in life response of a kid who just listened to an encouraging teaching.

The social worker spoke with me and my mother about the process and that she needed to give her consent for me to be admitted in the orphanage.  It was hard for my mom to let us go but it was the best thing she can do because she also wants the best for us and she knows she cannot give it!  I do not really know how my mom felt at that time but she eventually said YES to the orphanage and that is when my life started to change!

As a kid, I didn’t realize the sacrifices my mother made at that time but I am fully aware now.  If not for her decision to let us go, I would not be here where I am right now.  I would not be having the kind of life I have right now.  It is still not in abundance but it is way better than before.  We do not live a lavish life but I say we have more than enough to say that we are blessed!

It only takes a three letter word to make dreams come true.  And that word is YES!  If the social worker did not respond to the calling and passion that he has for the street kids, we would not know the true importance of having education. If not because of my YES to go to the orphanage and the YES my mother gave to the orphanage, then you won’t be reading this blog right now

Helping the street kids of manila is not an easy path.  But with me saying YES to be an advocate and to raise awareness for them is the first step to pave the way for others also to give their own yeses!

This is just the beginning and I believe that there are more to come for these street kids.  I firmly believe that we can all make a difference in these street kids’ lives by connecting them to organizations, people and community that can help them get education, provide clean clothes and a safe home to live.  Yes! We can all make a difference for the street kids of Manila!

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