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The Founder

Street Kids Manila was founded by Digital Marketing Specialist Jason Mallari in 2016. Building this advocacy is close to Jason’s heart for in his young life, he was once a street child too.

Born and raised in the Philippines, Jason battled life challenges at an early age, growing up without the guidance of a father and with poverty constantly knocking on their door. The second among six children, Jason found himself stumbling through the mazes of Manila streets as their mother found difficulties juggling work as a laundry woman and taking care of him and his five siblings.

Young Jason explored Manila’s concrete jungle with his friends, looking for food and asking for money in different ways. He experienced the life of a real street child, sleeping on the floor shirtless and begging other people for food. He was also among the ‘divers’ who swam for coins that tourists toss in Manila Bay. He experienced selling vegetables, became a vendor in Cultural Center of the Philippines, then stopped schooling until one event changed his life.

Freelance Web and Graphic Designer - Jason Mallari

A social worker paid attention to Jason and his friends—educated and fed them, and conducted medical missions for their wellness. Later on, he was granted the chance to get proper education and shelter at My Father’s House, the orphanage that changed his life 360 degrees.

Today, Jason overcame his obstacles and is now based in Michigan, United States, working in the field of digital marketing. The kindheartedness of the people who helped them influenced him to do the same now that he is more able—help each street child in Manila find their own loving homes like him. Jason pursues this passion with the help of his family back in the Philippines, and aims to inspire the street children to stand firm on their feet, dream big, and put God in the center of their lives as they journey to a brighter tomorrow.

I always believe there are people who are always willing to help, no matter where they are. I believe in the Divine Connection, where what we all have came from an ultimate source—God.