Everyone knows the famous story about Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ through the Virgin Mary. Last Sunday’s message was again about the greatest story ever told. Until now I am still amazed how this Miracle happened but that what who God is — Amazing.
Last Sunday was my chance to attend church; I rarely attend church as of now due to tight schedule however if there will be a chance I will take advantage of it. It’s always good to hear the real message to brighten up your week.
The message is about the Birth of Jesus Christ, but he didn’t go over and tell the whole story. He just discusses a few and focuses on the people — unlikely people that God use to bring us the best gift ever.
If you knew the characters in the story and analyze them one by one. It does look like just a standard character in a typical perfectly written stories. A young beautiful, kind-hearted, faithful and have fear on Lord Lady. A hard-working soon to be a husband to unite as a perfect couple. Giving birth on a barn to give more dramatic and appealing birth giving scene. A wise, rich man to bring gifts for the new birth and so on. But that is not what the pastor talks about. He talks about how unlikely these people are, how unlikely they are chosen and give color to the birth of His Son on earth.
I am bad at taking down notes and I should have done it for this is a great preaching. Looking at those people that God uses to bring us a precious gift. Come to think about it — Mary, how unlikely a young, beautiful, good and faithful woman that is about to get married to an unlikely a loving also faithful carpenter Joseph. Knowing that you’re soon to be wife is pregnant in an unbelievable way. During that time purity is such a precious gift to each other after the wedding day and still hoping it is nowadays. How unlikely that these wise men will trust the star on the sky to guide them find the place of where Jesus is born. How unlikely that these wise men will do and travel days, across the country just to see a child that is born in a manger, and for sure they don’t expect that it will be in a barn. Thinking this are wise men, they are probably expecting a classy place for they are used attending to.
While I was praying Sunday night and thinking about the message and meditate on it. God used these unlikely people to give birth to our savior. God used these individual to fulfill His promise to us. Applying it to my situation, on how God unlikely used people as an instrument of His love and care for me to get me out of the street. How unlikely that it just didn’t happen to me but to all my sisters as well. How unlikely God connects me to people that will help me to where I am now — blessed. How unlikely that through these people I was given a chance to achieve my dreams for myself and my family. How unlikely it is to be chosen among the thousands of kids living on the street.
Now, how unlikely that this advocacy is reaching people that I just barely knew, not even meet in person but are willing to be part of the advocacy. It’s not unlikely that I wanted to help these kids because I was once like them, but how unlikely is the response from the people I shared the vision with.
No matter who, what, and where you are in the world. It’s not unlikely that you have the same compassion for the needy. It’s a gift that God placed in our heart to reach out to them and extend to them the love and hope that He have for this unprivileged children. The unlikely thing could happen now is how you will respond to it. Are you just going to read and just do nothing? Or you are going to take a minute and pray? Are you just going to feel pity for these kids or are you going to take actions? The result is on us. If we want them to get out of this unlikely situation, we should take action. Connect with an institution that provides shelter, food for the rescued ones, help those who are starting up, dream and act together.